welcoming members from all backgrounds

EVENT: Physiology of Obesity and Diabetes Symposium

EVENT: Physiology of Obesity and Diabetes Symposium

External event, sponsored by the Journal of Neuroendocrinology through the BSN Symposium Support grant. The event will result in a Special Issue of the Journal of Neuroendocrinology in 2019.

When: 7 July 2019
Where: Aberdeen, Scotland
Registration: Early bird deadline 31 May 2019
Website: www.physoc.org/physiology2019/physiology-2019

About Physiology of Obesity and Diabetes Symposium (PODS), satellite symposium at Physiology 2019

The primary goal of this meeting is to provide the most cutting-edge research related to the control of body weight and glucose homeostasis. The symposium will bring together breaking research advances from the basic science and clinical realms with the objective of sharing novel insights relevant to human obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Specifically, the meeting seeks to integrate existing knowledge with novel discoveries on appetite, cognitive drivers of feeding behaviour, the gut-brain axis, the neurobiology of ingestive behaviour and energy expenditure, adipogenesis and lipolysis, glucose sensing and glycaemic control, cardiovascular disease and the genetics of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Several new areas will be addressed, including state-of-art technologies for neuroscience and physiological research, ageing, anorexia and metabolic resilience. Early career and established researchers studying appetite, metabolism, body weight, glucose homeostasis and cardiovascular disease are all welcome.

BSN members are particularly encouraged to attending or submitting an abstract to the Datablitz (short presentations) and/or poster session, which will be sponsored by the BSN/JNE, and to apply for the Molecular Metabolism ECR prize.