welcoming members from all backgrounds

The British Society for Neuroendocrinology


The British Society for Neuroendocrinology (BSN) is a scientific society that exists to promote research and learning into the interplay between the endocrine and nervous systems that control important body processes. The ultimate aim of this research is to provide therapies for neuroendocrine diseases and disorders and to advance methods for beneficially regulating normal neuroendocrine function in humans and animals.

The Vision of the BSN is to be a vibrant and active society covering neuroendocrinology in its widest definition. It aims to provide a focus for promoting the subject and for networking between members. It aims to support members at all stages of their career and provide educational opportunities for early career researchers, using face-to-face and online activities. Whilst remaining primarily a UK society, the BSN welcomes participation from around the world.

The membership of the BSN comprises academics and researchers from the UK, European and International scientific communities, encompassing all areas of neuroendocrinology. The Society is run by a Board of Trustees representing the membership together with the Editor-in-Chief of the Society's Journal, the Journal of Neuroendocrinology. The Board of Trustees makes recommendations regarding strategy, funding vehicles, future meetings etc. to the Annual General Meeting of the Society, which is held at the annual scientific meeting. Sub-groups of committee members administer the different funding schemes that are available, and the Society's public engagement strategy.

The origins of the Society date back to 1985, and it has published the international 'Journal of Neuroendocrinology' since 1989. The BSN has always been operated as a charity and is registered with the Charity commission as a charitable incorporated organisation (number 1163115). Annual meetings are held either stand alone or jointly with European or UK societies with similar interests. The BSN has a number of grant schemes available to its membership to support neuroendocrine research by scientists at different phases of their careers, researcher mobility and skills training, international and UK travel, as well as support for symposia, scientific meetings and public engagement events.

Meet the Committee

as of December 2023

Picture of Prof Neil Evans

Prof Neil Evans



Picture of Dr Michelle Bellingham

Dr Michelle Bellingham


Treasurer and Investment Sub-committee Chair

Picture of Prof Kate Ellacott

Prof Kate Ellacott


General Secretary and Deputy President

Picture of Dr Rebecca Dumbell

Dr Rebecca Dumbell


Communications Secretary

Picture of Dr Preeti Jethwa

Dr Preeti Jethwa


Meetings Secretary

Picture of Dr Gisela Helfer

Dr Gisela Helfer


Grants Committee chair/Grants Secretary

Picture of Dr Paula Brunton

Dr Paula Brunton


Deputy Treasurer, Investment Sub-committee member & Neuroendocrine Briefings Co-ordinator

Picture of Prof Allan Herbison

Prof Allan Herbison


Investment Sub-committee

Picture of Prof Dave Grattan

Prof Dave Grattan


Journal Secretary

Picture of Dr Matei Bolborea

Dr Matei Bolborea

Strasbourg, France & Warwick, UK

Membership Secretary

Picture of Dr Isadora Clivatti Furigo

Dr Isadora Clivatti Furigo

Coventry, UK

Deputy Communications Secretary and ECR Mentor

Picture of Dr Limei Zhang

Dr Limei Zhang

Mexico City

Ordinary member

Picture of Dr Daniel Brierley

Dr Daniel Brierley

London, UK

Ordinary member

Picture of Dr Jessica Chadwick

Dr Jessica Chadwick

London, UK

ECR Representative/Trustee and ECR Sub-committee Chair

Picture of Dr Miguel Ruiz Cruz

Dr Miguel Ruiz Cruz

Cordoba, Spain

Deputy ECR Representative

Picture of Dr Jeffrey Davies

Dr Jeffrey Davies

Swansea, UK

Ordinary member