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Insulin as a neuroendocrine hormone: New JNE Special Issue

Insulin as a neuroendocrine hormone: New JNE Special Issue

The discovery of insulin in 1921 has over the last 100 years changed the lives of millions. Journal of Neuroendocrinology is celebrating the centenary of this discovery with a Special Issue focused on insulin action in the brain and the wider role of the brain in the control of whole-body glucose homeostasis. The Special Issue features 19 state-of-the-art reviews and a suite of professionally illustrated figures. It is guest edited by Zane Andrews (Monash University, Australia) and David Grattan (University of Otago, New Zealand).

“We’ve now got to the frontier of what’s going on with insulin in the brain we’ve still got a long way to go to find out how it works and when we do that is going to be a powerful tool. When you understand biology, you have the power to influence it and use it.” - Professor Dave Grattan

Topics covered in the Special Issue Reviews

  • The discovery of insulin
  • How insulin acts in the brain
  • Insulin and the central regulation of energy balance
  • Insulin action beyond the hypothalamus and into the future
  • Neuroendocrine role of insulin in areas such as cognition, mood and motivation

“The main takeaway from this Special Issue for me is the breadth of action of insulin in the brain...I’m excited to see where we can go in the next 10-20 years in terms of understanding insulin actions in the brain” - Associate Professor Zane Andrews

Professional illustrations

Journal of Neuroendocrinology supported authors in the creation of professionally illustrated figures that are available to download and use with credit from the JNE website.

Video interview with Special Issue Editors

In this interview introducing the Insulin 100 Special Issue, Dr Rebecca Dumbell, BSN’s Communications Secretary, interviews Editors Associate Professor Zane Andrews and Professor Dave Grattan.